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 Sleep apnea is a very difficult thing to live with, both for the sufferer and for people living and sleep with him or her. If you fit into either of Revive Daily reviews these categories, then you know just how frustrating it can be. Read through the tips found in this article to learn the best way to survive this problem!

Sleep with your body perpendicular to the bed. A lot of people who have sleep apnea are back sleepers. If you sleep flat on your back you are only exasperating your breathing problem by allowing your throat muscles to relax and move down. It's easier to breathe when looking to the side. If you usually sleep on your back, make a conscious effort to change your ways.

Always bring your CPAP along whenever you travel. It is important that you always have the machine, even if you feel it is an inconvenience. Most CPAP machines come with a travel bag designed for just this purpose. Any time that you need to sleep overnight while traveling, you should keep your CPAP machine in your sleeping quarters.

For people who smoke, the best way to correct a sleep apnea condition is to quit smoking. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of sleep apnea. When people stop smoking their risk of sleep apnea is reduced and they can get a full night sleep within days of quitting.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can be improved by losing weight if you are obese. Losing about 25 pounds can dramatically improve this condition. For some people that will cure the problem, for others it may just help improve the symptoms that you are experiencing. Try to eat healthy and make sure to get enough exercise every day.

If you have a CPAP machine, you should always have it with you. Using a different machine might not work as well since the settings or the mask might be different. If you have to go to the hospital, have someone bring your machine so you can keep on using it.

Don't drink alcohol, especially at night. The reason most people drink alcohol is to relax, but it also causes the muscles that control your airways to relax as well. When you go to sleep with ultra-relaxed airway muscles, it can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse. Do your body and your wallet a favor and cut out the booze.

One quick tip for trying to get a better night's sleep is to sleep only on your side and not on your back. If you sleep with someone else, ask them to gently roll you over any time they see you on your back. This can help to keep your airflow more controlled.

Do not procrastinate in searching for a treatment. Start now! Sleep apnea is often a progressive condition so it is best to get treatment immediately. Suffering from sleep apnea will take a toll on your health and ability to deal with difficult situations.

One way to determine whether or not you may have sleep apnea is to have your partner report what they see, hear and feel during the night. While you might not notice yourself waking up, your partner may hear you snoring, tossing and turning, or gasping in the wee hours.

If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, talk to your doctor about undergoing a sleep study. During the course of the study, you will be hooked to monitors while you sleep. These monitors will tell doctors about the levels of oxygen in your blood, the states of sleep you enter, and whether or not your breathing is inhibited while you sleep.

Lose weight. If you find yourself having difficulty sleeping, take the time to evaluate your weight. If you are obese, that is likely a major factor in your sleep apnea. Start on a diet and exercise regime right away so that you can slim down and sleep more comfortably every night.

Smoking is another thing which makes the problem of sleep apnea worse. It actually irritates the nasal passages and makes them swell. This in turn causes the airways to be partially blocked, making breathing on auto pilot while you are asleep more difficult. Cutting smoking out entirely is ideal, but even reducing the amount you smoke may help.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is important that you maintain a healthy body weight. Being overweight significantly worsens Hydrossential reviews sleep apnea and losing just a few excess pounds can go a long way towards dramatically improving your ability to breathe properly while you sleep. Following a healthy diet and exercise plan is one of the best ways to deal with sleep apnea.

If you suffer from sleep apnea avoid any sort of opiate at all costs. Most opiates are used to treat pain, but the use of opiates in even mild sufferers of sleep apnea can possibly be life threatening. Though sleep is important, your life is obviously much more important, so avoid opiates.

Because allergy symptoms can increase apnea episodes, discuss your allergies with your doctor to find the safest ways to treat them. Certain antihistamines should probably be avoided, as they may lead to your airways becoming too relaxed. For this reason, follow your doctor's advice regarding medications that are safe for your condition.

Don't let sleep apnea take over your entire life. You may be worried and upset about having sleep apnea, but the truth is that there are many ways to treat it. Don't stop living because you have apnea. Simply find ways to treat your apnea, and you can continue to enjoy the rest of your life.

Eat a nutritious and healthy diet, and beware going to bed overly hungry, full or caffeinated. In any of these instances, your body will not be performing at an optimum level. The chances of you then having sleep issues raises significantly. If you must eat something, reach for a banana. Studies have shown that bananas actually help being on a deep sleep.

By reading through the great sleep apnea tips found in this article, you are ready to face your problem head on. While you may not be able to rid yourself of the problem completely, you will feel more confident and start working towards that all-important goal, a good night's sleep.



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